A Divine Deconstruction
We don’t know who we are. But we need to remember.
Because this (points to masks, ego, patterns) isn’t all there is.
And we know it.
To stop our suffering, we unlearn the ways we’ve been taught to suffer. By checking our base level assumptions and examining limiting beliefs.
We dis-assemble the roles we adopted inside fearful attachments, and conditional relationships.
We ask of ourselves, “what am I willing to lose to find out who I really am?”
We shed and molt and lose. We break. We open.
Have you seen a bird molt down to his fresh skin? It reminds us that we need to ask for grace. For while we are in transformation, we are a wild looking little thing.
Once through, we explore who we are in our real-ness.
We realize our authentic nature.
We remember parts and pieces we once abandoned, and they merge within our one being. New feelings, thoughts, and perceptions of truth are filled with fresh light.
Fresh life force pumps through our heart. The heart whispers (eventually roars!) , “Can I get a witness?”
We want to be seen. To be understood. To be known.
We cannot see ourselves.
We scan the mirrors of “the other” and wonder, Who am I?
We want and need to be seen.
To have our deconstruction witnessed.
To realize…we are allowed to know.
And to trust.
That when we are who we are, and we wild in a true community, we will be revealed as nothing more special than a small drop of the Divine.
A little bit good. A little bit bad. And willing to know the fullness of our wholeness.
This is a divine deconstruction.
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