1:1 Professional Support
Soul Sessions for the Mind, Body, and Soul
This is My Goal:
You already know who you are, though you may have forgotten. When you remember, you will be that which you seek.
What is in the way, are the unhealed wounds you have exiled away and the limiting beliefs you were conditioned to believe. To heal the wounds and release the limiting belief patterns, transformational healing experiences are required. My goal is to create a container where you can be the most honest expression of yourself possible. From there, we can tend to the wounds, apply the needed resources, examine the patterns and secure new structures of self-discipline and self-care.
It is not either of our jobs to fix you. It is your job to meet yourself as you really are. It is my job to create the conditions for you to feel safe to do so.
The Logistics of Working Together
Sessions are 60 minutes long.
Book your sessions online, at a pace that works for you. Many clients choose to book sessions each week, every other week, or monthly, depending on their needs.
You may request a video recording of your Zoom session to be sent to you after the session.
Offering Equitable Pricing to Ensure Access for All (Services range from $135-$195 per session).
Online - In Person - By Phone
This is What We’ll Do:
Healing with intention takes tools and time. In our one-on-one work, we apply the tools that suit your unique needs. We turn to practice-based, client-centered, time tested, quality interventions to get us safely to the core of your wounds within an expanding window of what your unique nervous system can tolerate. YOU SET THE PACE.
Processing pain, feeling our emotions, finding understanding, allowing acceptance, and practicing forgiveness are some of the processes we must grow through on our way to freedom. Drawing on 23 years of experience working directly with people in pain, I combine a variety of methods and modalities that I have found to be the most effective in generating life-changing healing at a foundational level.
I value this body centered approach to healing which recognizes the importance of the mind body connection and the healing intelligence of the body.
With the use of Internal Family Systems Therapy, we can identify, understand, and heal the parts of the self we have exhiled in pain.
Intentional journeys into the deep psyche through the use of breath, stillness, or plant medicines allow us to have access to our sacred center.
An exploration into the unconscious mind of both the individual and the collective, allows us to gain expanded windows of consciousness
Practicing the art of awareness is essential for our work on the Transformational Healing Journey.
This is the Transpersonal Journey
When we heal from our wounds, we are naturally upgraded to a more enlightened state of consciousness. This is what is described as an awakening. In the clinical world, it’s called Post-Traumatic Growth and Resilience. When we shed the pain of the past, we are enlivened with life force energy. Integrating the new energy of you is vitally important and often a challenging endeavor.
We awaken naturally, at our own pace, in our own time. This journey is one we are each undertaking, whether we're conscious of it or not.
While we can't walk someone else's path for them, we can learn much from our fellow travelers. In fact, we see reflections of ourselves in everyone we meet—because we project!
Our beliefs shape these projections, leading us to see in others what we need to, in order to align with our own inner reality. When our belief systems are challenged, it can feel disorienting, even crazy. The shedding of old beliefs feels like an ego crisis, for we realize we are not who we thought we were.
Yet, when you let go of everything you no longer need, a divinity is revealed within, marking the birth of a spiritual life. You just may come to realize, you are but a drop of the divinity of everything, and it’s your job to clean up in you what you see outside of you. This is the work of the wild-at-heart, free of spirit, deeply human soul.
Are you ready to take The Sacred Journey?
Feeling the pain, the fear, and the joy of living the life you’ve been given.
Letting go of attachments: to the story, to the past, to people, and to ego.
Taking responsibility for the energy of being here NOW. Embodied and resourced.
Allowing the resources you need…often a formidable endeavor.
Creating a life rich with conditions that feed your wholeness.
Understanding all that you are and allowing your embodied wholeness to be SEEN.
Showing Up Full and Free, and dealing with the repercussions.