“Today, if we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
Mother Theresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Healing Collectives
This is for YOU if you Seek…
A group of people who come together to heal in a specific way.
A place to practice showing up authentically.
A space to practice staying with yourself and holding your own energy field.
A way to remember the wholeness within yourself.
A space to explore the projections you are attached to.
A playground for developing platonic intimacy.
A time for you to share with others who are on the path and in the work.
A safe, contained, structured space held by a specific space holder.
Healing Circle Agreements:
We treat each other with kindness and respect.
We listen with compassion and curiosity.
We honor each other’s unique ways top healing and don’t presume to advise, fix, or save one another.
We hold all stories shared in the circle confidential.
We trust that each of us has the guidance we need within us, and we rely on the power of silence to access it.
We forget each other, allowing for our death and rebirth each time we meet.
The Divine Deconstruction Collective
In our discussion-based supportive community, we are deconstructing the way it’s always been, what we’ve always believed, and the way we’ve always done it. Because, for us, that way doesn’t work, isn’t sustainable, does not bring us peace, and must be deconstructed.
We are deconstructing from harmful, limiting beliefs such as; I have to keep it all together. I should be more productive. I am broken, crazy, hopeless or worthless. I must be perfect, pleasing, helpful, or easy in order to be loved. I am not enough as I am. I am not allowed to show up. I’m only wanted if I make everyone else feel okay.
We are deconstructing from harmful religious and systemic ideas in the collective mind that tells us it’s a sin to be human and we need someone outside of us to save us and make us worthy.
We are reclaiming the divinity within. We are trusting—we are not broken, but wholly Human. We are deconstructing into this divine center and seeking to understand ourselves in the process.
Meets 2nd Sundays of the Month from 3:3-5:30PM in Colorado Springs
Equitable and Flexible Price: From $25-50
All Genders Welcome
The Wounded Healers Collective
In this 8 month long coaching group, we are cultivating a supportive community of wounded healers who share a common goal: To heal ourselves so we don’t have to project our wounds onto our clients.
We value doing the work of purification, of deconstruction, of de-colonization, and of healing within. We work together to create accountability, honesty, and transparency of how the work we do on ourselves is changing the way we show up as healers.
The process of de-colonizing the work of being a therapist is an unstoppable evolution. We can’t un-know what we have come to understand. We aren’t broken and we don’t need fixing. We do, however, require far more intimacy, connection, community, and support than we experience in our busy world. In this collective, we are generating true community that can hold space for this evolution and allow the truth of our experiences to be shared.
The Logistics
ONLINE, twice monthly meetings
OPTIONAL RETREAT at the conclusion of the collective