Life Coaching
Topics of Special Interest to Me:
I love to explore the patterns and pain points within the classic projects of a spiritual life including love and marriage, the midlife crisis, relational rupture and repair, parenting the free child, healing from childhood trauma, working a living, spiritual emergency, deconstruction from systems and religions, and re-wilding.
We are a good fit if you find yourself…
Experiencing a Life Crisis such as; recovering from a mental or physical illness, integrating a life changing event or recovering from a traumatic experience
Working on Spiritual Ascension…cleaning the vessel, raising your vibration, upgrading consciousness, manifesting from abundance, retrieving gifts
Self-healing using intentional strategies such as therapeutic psychedelic experiences, hypnotherapy, breathwork, meditation, or inner child work
Looking for the answers to the questions, “Who am I, why am I here, what’s in the way, and what can I do about it?”
Life Coaching involves identifying and working with several unique and often hidden patterns and cycles that impede our embodied wholeness and/or block the path along our ascension journey.
Topics of frequent discussion in transpersonal life coaching include:
Identification of historical, systemic and inherited trauma cycles that are playing out through us as the symptoms of illness.
Exploration of archetypal projects such as: The Codependent, The Victim, The Rebel, or The Golden Child and the transformation of these archetypes into their gifts.
The connection / disconnection / reconnection cycle within relationships.
The processes of Intimacy and attachment (how we lean in and why we lean out) and loving unattached.
Transmuting dynamics within our one Self (learning to take responsibility for personal energy).
Identification of Core Beliefs and of how they manifest in our lives.
The Creation of a Personal Belief System (who are you and why you are worthy).
Embodiment of state changes for an internal connection to peace and self-love.
Why the heck is this happening to me? (Finding an empowered stance).
Individual Life Coaching, 50-minute session: $165*
Couples Life Coaching 75-minute session: $225
Coaching Sessions are offered in three formats: In Person, Online, or Telephone
*Ask about my Reduced Rates