We are big beings.
To me, waking up is a slow (often painful) process of learning to be completely okay with things being completely out of control. Paradoxically, what allows this ‘wild-yes’ to be ethical and sustainable, are practical rhythms and sensible structures for relating to life .
Honest self-expression, taking responsibility, and practicing ongoing discernment are the things that work for me, but it is only through experiences with other beings that I am even able to practice these things. We need each other.
We are big beings. Infinite actually. If we are anything at all, we are a collection of every single moment we’ve experienced, or at least what we felt was worth keeping.
It’s okay to need one another. We are frequently given the ‘spiritual’ message that we have everything we need inside to be okay at any given moment. And I’m sure that’s true but I also have come to realize that many things can be true at the same time. Take this moment to accept from me, permission to need someone sometimes. To need people. To need community.
To long for, desire, want, and/or need another person is not indicative of you being selfish, weak, or even under-resourced. Wanting/needing another person arises because you are human and inherently, a social being. You thrive in connected states with other beings. Other beings awaken you to who you really are.
We are big beings. There are places within “me” that need only to be scratched in order to awaken them. Every day, I realize how fortunate I am to sit in sacred therapeutic moments with other beings. I am constantly scratched open, and I couldn’t stop it now if I tried (I have).
If I could encourage you to do anything in the next year it would be this. Let people see you. Find people who can scratch the itches. Be self-honest about the need for your inner to meet the outer. Feel the bigness of your being.
Take chances to meet new people, to make new community, and to try yourself out in the public spaces. But also, give the people all around you a deeper look as well. Give them a chance to see the real you, and take a deeper look into the real them. We are all big beings.
On a side note, I was thinking of trust the other day and aboutwhat it means to have it with the people we love. Will they hold us if we show up? Will they allow us to be all that we are? And if we are too much to handle, or not enough, will they run? Well, you know what I always say…they will or they won’t….let’s find out anyway. I think of trust as not something we have because we believe in something, but something we give because we want to believe in something.
You have been working hard on yourself from the inside out. Now it’s time to bring those insides to the outer world and show up authentically, seeking what it is you want and need. You are allowed to do that. You are allowed to start living this life inside out. In front of everyone. And you are allowed to need humans in your life who can witness your vulnerable, authentic expression.
You need people. And people need you. Stay in it my gang, we are changing the world. One big, little being at a time.
All my love in this moment,
“You must meet the outer world with your inner world or existence will crush you.”
Mark Nepo